02 November 2013

What women look for in men; traits that define a Mr. Right

A woman at her best day can get at least five proposals from men wanting to date her but  considering a good number of facts, just a few or none of the proposals will get consideration. Here are the true facts about the whole thing and the traits women look for in men;

A.      Character and Maturity traits

Does a woman feel secure with you? Can you protect them from the worst happening in the outside world etcetera? Any man out there must be ready to protect what is his, what is family. Women are always looking for men who can solve their problems, just be that guy and you got it.

Though many men do not approve this, just be that guy who truly loves one woman and would die for her no matter what. 

Women like people who are caring, loving and supportive at difficult times. Every man needs these traits and for those not having them, at least try to show you can work on acquiring them.

You go out driving with a girl and you cannot stop for pedestrians to cross or you make an order iin a restaurant and shout at the waitress, you totally lose it. It’d be nice to treat others kindly and your date knows you will be kind to her too.

B.      Personality traits

Your name is Kevin Hart or Chris Rock or maybe our very own Mwalimu King’ang’i, then you got it right. All you got to do is sit on a table and spit the jokes and an auditorium full of cute women will be pouncing on you.

How you deal with issues, your approach to tough situations and how you navigate around problems to find solutions is very attractive to any woman. Just like employers, women like problem solvers and not the what-do-we-do guy.

Passion & Confidence
Are u the type that can stand up and talk, and you’ve got to show you know and understand and believe in what you are saying. Besides that, your ability to mix with her friends and make her look good in front of everyone is a tick, be the guy who wants to do better things, a guy who believes in himself.

C.      Physical Attributes

Wallet power
The last time I checked, no one wants to board a sinking ship and for the same reasons, women are always looking for men who can solve their problems, just be that guy and you got it. She needs her hair done; she wants to go shop for that D&G leather handbag her friend is spotting, you got to chip in.

Can you swing it in the bedroom?
Though many women do not agree to this and have always stated that sex is not everything, deep down we all know sex is an important aspect of any relationship. Just do your job well and your woman will stay around for as long as you want.

A percentage of young women tend to highly consider looks to get a catch so you better be a hunk to get one. Moreover, if you are her ex look-alike and she really liked him, you could be in for some hot party party; while some women go for the muscular men, others prefer the slender type, and like they always say, everyone has a type.

Natural selection,

One fact that is bitter to those considered not beautiful, beautiful people go for beautiful people. In the wild, a frog chooses to mate with the male that croaks hard enough to show superiority. In as much as we say we are civilized, it still happens. It’s a psychology thing you won’t understand.
In the modern times, women would check to see how men interact with other women; as a man, do you excite other girls, make them laugh, show them love? If you can exhibit these qualities, every woman in town will come running after you. Just to be real, try walking into a club with beautiful girls all over you and watch how you get those glimpses from other girls, you know they want a piece of you.

By: Faith Aminata, PataStory.com

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